The Immediate Modification You Can Implement Today That Will Revolutionize How Your Supervisor Perceives You


Suppose I informed you that there exists a single straightforward, but sometimes challenging, method to enhance your abilities as an employee? What if I guaranteed that this method will not only wow your employer, team, and colleagues, but also enhance your perceived competence, expertise, and preparedness to handle more responsibilities? Moreover, it is worth mentioning that you may feasibly use it on a weekly basis, if not on a daily basis.

Here is a straightforward suggestion: Whenever you are presenting someone with a query, issue, or difficult scenario, it is advisable to also provide a proposed solution.

I was raised by my parents with the principle of never arriving without a gift or contribution. When attending a birthday celebration, it is customary to bring either a present or a card. Upon receiving an invitation from a friend to dine together, it is customary to bring either a bottle of wine or a dessert as a gesture of appreciation. Likewise, when you present a question to your supervisor, it is advisable to be prepared with at least one possible solution to address the issue at hand. Engaging in the process of brainstorming ideas may not be as enjoyable as selecting a whimsical card or preparing cookies (and indulging in a few before distributing them), but it will significantly enhance your trustworthiness.

Primarily, it alleviates the responsibility placed on them to address the problem from the beginning and complete all the tasks alone. Given that managers are usually busy individuals, providing them with time and energy savings is akin to presenting them with a delightful assortment of chocolates. (During the time I was writing this essay, my boss returned to her desk and happily informed me that a series of meetings, totaling an hour and a half, had been unexpectedly canceled.)

However, there is also a figurative abundance of chocolate for you! By facilitating your boss’s work, you will simultaneously showcase your willingness to exert yourself and your capability to handle increasingly significant and demanding responsibilities. In addition, you will have the opportunity to get practical experience in managing complex situations, without the responsibility of making the final decision on them. Put simply, there is less pressure at this stage of the game. Precision is not required in your response; the objective is just to provide one. That is the method by which you will acquire knowledge. Victories for everybody.


Deciphering the appropriate recommendation might be challenging at times, yet the concept itself is straightforward. This reframing strategy may be used in many settings, such as team meetings, one-on-one check-ins with your boss, email threads on cross-functional projects, impromptu Slack talks, and almost any other circumstance.

Alright, let’s cease the conversation. How does this seem in reality, you inquire?

If you are sending an email with a proposal from Fran the freelancer:

Instead of: What is your opinion on the proposal provided by Fran the freelancer?
Attempt: I received the following proposal from Fran, who is a freelancer. I believe it is suitable for us due to [reasons], nevertheless, I would appreciate her making modest revisions to accommodate [extra element]. If we proceed, I believe it would be advantageous to provide a [rate]. Eagerly anticipating your insights!

If you are addressing a customer concern with your employer at a check-in meeting:

Client expressed dissatisfaction with the first plan we presented, namely on the timetable.
[Client] expressed dissatisfaction with the first plan we presented, namely about the timetable. I propose expediting the final deadline by streamlining the feedback process, which entails accelerating the transition between rounds and considering the possibility of bypassing the second round and proceeding directly to final approvals. Prior to proposing this adjustment to the client, it is imperative that we establish internal consensus. Therefore, I am willing to compose an email or arrange a brief meeting with the stakeholders as a subsequent action, in order to ascertain whether we can collectively reach an agreement on the matter.

If you often collaborate with a cross-functional team and find the procedure to be inefficient, you decide to approach your employer to discuss the matter.

Instead of: These projects consistently exceed their expected duration. I am uncertain on the course of action to take.
Attempt: I believe that the current method for these projects lacks efficiency, and it seems that one of the hindrances might be inadequate communication across the teams. Consider implementing weekly standup meetings, lasting just 15 minutes, to facilitate regular updates from all team members and address any minor issues immediately. Additionally, we may establish a Slack community to expedite the dissemination of fresh information and facilitate prompt resolution of inquiries. What is your opinion?


I have been endeavoring to incorporate this novel strategy throughout all of my professional endeavors. Although it may not have been the only element, I strongly believe that it had a significant role in helping me get a recent promotion. In fact, it had a positive impact on the outcome. Being promoted has heightened my awareness of the need to enhance my performance in terms of generating innovative ideas and solutions, taking proactive action, and identifying the underlying issues.

Most importantly, for someone who has consistently faced challenges with self-assurance? Not only did it convince my superiors of my competence, but it also instilled confidence in myself.

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