Stay Professional Despite the New Year

Some patterns emerge among my customers and the folks I see on a regular basis at the start of each new year.

Themes that have a tendency to alter our perspective and set in motion behaviors that, at times, could be very detrimental to our professional advancement. To help you avoid having the new year wreck your career, I’ve compiled a list of the three most prevalent themes I see around this time of year and provided some advice on how to avoid them.



Fresh Start, New You
I bet you’re familiar with this adage. At the start of a new year, most of us make a habit of setting lofty, impossible-to-attain objectives that we may or may not really follow through on. Those people…

My favorite one was the year I took more pictures. After four days of trying out the Fat Mum Slim Photo a Day Challenge, I gave up and went on to something else dazzling.

Hello, 2024! However, you may also intrude in our professional lives at times. Maybe you’ve been thinking that this is the year you finally make it up the corporate ladder. Maybe you’ve been thinking that now would be an excellent moment to start a new employment. On the other hand, maybe you’ve already decided to adopt a new character for the new year and begin acting differently. Although there is potential for good in each of these objectives, there is also the possibility that they may pose serious threats to your professional success in the long run.

The Year-End Treats
If you’ve been relaxing over the holidays, you could be in for a rude awakening when the New Year Suckies strike. After a little vacation, you’re embracing life (particularly the sleep-ins and late nights), and then suddenly, you’re dreading having to get up early for work.

This emotion is quite familiar to me. I look forward to the “Christmas, New Year and Birthday Shut-down” every year, when I put my books away until about the middle of January. Does my return fill me with joy? No. Despite my undying devotion to my profession (which is even stronger now that I am my own boss), I like the freedom to do as I want, when I please, and follow my artistic interests. Regardless of how much time it takes to watch videos on TikTok all day.

Even if you like your work before the break, you may come to hate it after the New Year Suckies. It’s not simple to see the silver lining in every cloud. If you can’t control your emotions, you risk coming off as negative and impacting the morale of your team, which might have an adverse effect on your job prospects in the long run. You can’t allow a negative attitude to permanently damage your career!

For some, change is life. Let me preface this by saying that I do not identify with that group; yet, there are some beautiful unicorns who will change just because it is fun. “Every time she changes her underwear, she changes her mind,” is a common expression. That is the subject I am referring to.

Sometimes, all it takes to set these people on fire with a passion for change is a little push in the right direction. A spark similar to the beginning of a new year! In spite of all other considerations, the start of a new year is often associated with an intense desire to switch careers, regardless of whether or not doing so is the best course of action. That “need” however, it’s overwhelming!

If you switch jobs while you’re in the midst of your career, it might be devastating. Specifically if you rush into things without giving enough consideration and fail to clarify your goals. It is an excellent Segway.

Rest assured. Rather than just dropping by to inform you about these topics, I want to stay for the duration. If you recognize any of these themes, what are some things you can do? Permit me to explain it in simpler terms.

Always admitting you have an issue is the first step, isn’t it? Recognizing it will allow you to confess it to yourself. You begin to exert more authority at that point. Here’s how it looks. If someone has noticed that you’ve been acting a little out of character recently, you can:

Consider: “have I been feeling agro as of late?”
Confess – “Yeah, I have been somewhat unproductive.”
Sive further into it – “I don’t know how this happened to me… ”
Revise it—”I should try harder not to let my mood impact other people.”


To my clients, I often repeat this. Truly, my coach also emphasized it to me several times. Be kind with yourself. Take a deep breath and relax. You need to stop putting undue pressure on yourself by expecting too much. You are fallible because you are human.

No matter how motivated you are, this will be more challenging than it seems. My recommendation, therefore, is to bring it up in conversation with someone. The advice of someone whose judgment you value is invaluable, whether that’s a trusted friend or family member you can lean on or a professional coach you can hire.

(Psst… It might be expensive, but what’s the value of having someone assist you avoid destroying your career?).

3. Figure Out Your True Desires
The word “actually” is crucial, therefore I’m highlighting it. Our desires aren’t always aligned with our thoughts. Those change-seekers I mentioned are typical of the majority of individuals; unless they put in the effort, they have no idea what they want.

What is it that has you considering a career shift? From your perspective, what do you anticipate to change? I usually receive a lot of contradictory responses whenever I pose these kinds of queries. A higher salary, fewer hours worked, more leeway to choose my own schedule, and the chance to advance in my career are all things I’m hoping for. Aside from wanting to be recognized publicly, I also want the freedom to work from the comfort of my own home. A view-oriented workspace is also something I’m seeking.

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