How to prepare for the unexpected during your workweek


It seems that no matter how meticulously you organize your week, you are inevitably derailed at some point. You have reviewed your daily timetable, reviewed your lists, and acquired the ability to establish boundaries. However, something always seems to arise that disrupts your workweek.

It is a fact that, regardless of whether you work remotely or not, you are required to handle the unexpected during your workweek. However, the good news is that you can work around them by making a few scheduling adjustments.

Managing the Unexpected During Your Workweek

After some time of juggling work and personal obligations, the majority of us come to appreciate the importance of establishing a routine and mastering time management. However, we fail to acknowledge the necessity of a buffer to prevent ourselves from becoming frustrated and derailed when confronted with the unexpected. There are numerous factors that are beyond your control; therefore, it is advisable to explore methods of incorporating structured flexibility into your workweek in order to effectively navigate unforeseen challenges.

1. Be prepared for the unexpected.
A common planning error is the assumption that you only need to allocate time for the tasks on your to-do list. However, you may be unaware of new responsibilities that may arise, despite your best efforts.

When you anticipate interruptions, such as domestic emergencies or technical malfunctions, you will be less surprised when they occur as you approach each weekday. It may seem oversimplified, but anticipate being taken aback on a daily basis. You will anticipate the hysteria.

Take into account the responsibilities of an emergency room nurse. They have routine responsibilities, but they are aware that at any moment, a critical issue may arise that requires their immediate attention. Although your surprises are unlikely to be life-or-death situations, you can apply the same approach. Anticipating unforeseen duties and events throughout your day can assist you in regaining a sense of control.

2. Construct a Cushion
In practical terms, it is possible to extend that anticipation. It is beneficial to anticipate unexpected events rather than merely anticipating them.

You will allocate the necessary time for both anticipated and unforeseen deliverables when you adjust your plans to account for unforeseen circumstances. To accomplish this, allocate daily time for unscheduled activities. This will ensure that you have the time to address the minor unforeseen events that occur in life.

3. Incorporate a Buffer
In addition to the cushion of extra time that you can utilize as a catchall to catch up when you fall behind, it is also beneficial to be proactive in the beginning.

Schedule an additional amount of time than you anticipate will be required to finish each task. Experiment with the amount of additional time to include to avoid the sensation of perpetually being in a hurry.

For instance, if you are required to compose a report, it is advisable to establish a realistic estimate. Perhaps you anticipate that it will take two hours. Subsequently, allocate three hours to that assignment on your calendar. In this manner, you will have sufficient time to finish it, and potentially additional time at the end.

4. Maintain an active to-do list
That is not to suggest that you should begin to perform below your potential. However, rather than overly compressing your schedule, devise a practical strategy for utilizing the buffers you have included. Afterward, establish a continuous to-do list with alternating priorities.

Begin completing the subsequent item on your list as soon as you have completed your current tasks and have free time during those shorter periods. Suddenly, you will transition from a state of inactivity to a state of productivity that exceeds your expectations. This shift in perspective can have a profound effect on you.

5. Establish Office Hours
It is inevitable that individuals who share a space with you will desire to engage in conversation with you at some point during the day. Although it is necessary to establish boundaries that enable you to work efficiently, it may be advantageous to adjust your schedule to allow for conversation with others on a daily basis.

For instance, if you have children, is it possible to allocate less demanding duties for the afternoon after they return home from school? It is possible that they would prefer to sit with you and complete their assignments or color in a peaceful environment. Could you inform them that your office is open for tranquil companionship for an hour each afternoon if you have completed your heavy-focus duties earlier in the day?

One of the most exciting aspects of working remotely is that it is frequently possible to establish your own work-life balance.

6. Allocate time for the management of the schedule.
Are you deliberately allotting time to organize your life? If not, you may perpetually be playing catch-up due to the absence of a well-defined strategy.

Guarantee that you commence your workday with a comprehensive comprehension of the tasks that must be completed. Do not immediately commence work; instead, allocate five to ten minutes each morning to compile your list.

7. Embrace Your Natural Rhythms
Arrange the duties that necessitate the most attention during your most productive periods. Take a week to audit your time if you require assistance in identifying the areas where your energy is being diverted. Set a reminder on your phone to record your plan every hour. Take note of the task you are currently working on and the estimated duration of time it will require. Following the hour’s conclusion, verify that your predictions were accurate.

When your task is not completed within the anticipated time frame, it is evident that your planning and tasking are not in alignment. Next, you can establish a foundation for success by allocating time to develop a more practical daily schedule. Schedule tasks that necessitate more energy during your prime energy periods, rather than selecting the most pleasurable ones.

Anticipating the Unanticipated During Your Workweek

Regardless of the extent of your preparation, there will always be unforeseen circumstances. The internet goes out, or the water heater begins to seep. However, by incorporating a margin of time and maintaining a continuous to-do list, you can rapidly regain your bearings and avoid being completely derailed.

In the event that your current position fails to provide the necessary work-life balance, we are available to assist you. We provide our members with exclusive access to our employment database, which is updated daily and contains remote, hybrid, and flexible positions in over 50 career categories. Furthermore, that is not all. Explore the tour to learn about the numerous ways in which a FlexJobs membership can assist you in achieving your flexible work objectives.

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