10 First Positions That Will Be in Demand in the Year 2024

There are grounds for older workers who are seeking for new occupations to have a positive outlook on the year 2024.

People of all ages at the end of November had an unemployment rate of 3.7 percent, while those aged 55 and above had a rate of 2.9 percent. This indicates that the unemployment rate throughout the country remains at a relatively low level as we enter the new year. When these numbers are low, it means that firms will have to compete more fiercely in order to acquire and retain workers. This competition often results in higher compensation, more flexibility, and improved benefits.

According to forecasts made by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) on the possibilities for different occupations from now until 2032, the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) attempted to determine which sectors seem to provide promising chances for older workers in order to determine which jobs would have the highest demand for workers in 2024. According to the findings of the study, there are a variety of occupations that are ideal for various kinds of job experience. The majority of the positions on this list are held by those that are associated with online shopping, which includes everything from website design to package delivery.

In the year 2024, it is anticipated that the following ten occupations would be in great demand. Other positions on the list were picked based on Google statistics of occupations that had the most search searches in recent years, despite the fact that the majority of the jobs on the list were selected based on forecasts from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The list is provided in the order designated by the alphabet. The BLS is the source of all wage statistics. When you click on the “Find” link, you will be taken to the list of current job ads that are available on the AARP Job Board for that particular field.

1.Guardian of the animal
Every hour, the average pay is $14.32
Job growth over the long term: fifteen percent
Find work as a caring for animals.

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, over half of all homes in the United States (45 percent) have at least one dog, and 29 percent of households have in their possession at least one cat. At least on occasion, a significant number of these furry family members will need some kind of boarding or pet-sitting, which indicates that there will be a consistent demand for those who are able to provide care for animals.

Mental health counselor, counselor for behavioral issues, or counselor for drug abuse
The hourly pay, on average, is $23.90
Compound annual growth rate of employment: 19%
Find work in the field of mental health.

According to a study conducted by CNN and KFF in 2022, nine out of ten Americans believe that there is a problem in the United States regarding mental health. This issue seems to be supported by the need for mental health counselors in the hiring market. Opportunities for employment vary from having a job at a community center to becoming the proprietor of a private practice. You could be required to have a master’s degree in addition to a state license, depending on the employment.

A clerk who enters data
The hourly pay on average is $18.26!
Job growth over the long term: a decrease of one percent
Find jobs that include data input.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) forecasts that the number of employment in this sector will decrease somewhat over the course of the next ten years, mostly as a result of technological advancements that may assist firms in fulfilling these responsibilities. However, according to Google searches, the level of interest in these vocations, which reached an all-time high during the peak of the COVID-19 epidemic, continues to be relatively strong in the current time frame. It is possible that the work-from-home employment that are prevalent in this industry might make these positions suitable for persons who are searching for extra money in the near term.

Investigator of data
The hourly pay, on average, is $49.7
Permanent increase in employment: 35 percent
The search for data scientist jobs

In many instances, data scientists are the individuals that assist businesses in determining how they may improve their efficiency. Businesses are always searching for methods to improve their efficiency of operations. Data scientists provide ideas on how to make the company function more smoothly by analyzing the figures on sales, customers, costs, and other elements of the firm. It is common for individuals in this role to possess a bachelor’s degree in either mathematics, statistics, or computer science.


Delivery truck driver

The hourly compensation for a delivery truck driver is an average of $18.38
Ten percent of employment growth over the long run
Finding opportunities as a truck driver

A research conducted by MasterCard SpendingPulse found that the amount of money spent on online shopping during the Christmas season of 2023 increased by 6.3% compared to the same time period the previous year. The surge in the popularity of online shopping has resulted in an ongoing increase in the need for delivery drivers. The fact that these occupations are part-time and flexible makes them an excellent choice for older workers; nevertheless, you should be aware that you could be required to lift parcels on a frequent basis.

Designer of websites using e-commerce
The hourly pay on average is $38.81
Job growth over the long term: sixteen percent
Look for work as a website developer.

Despite the fact that the majority of big shops have already established a presence on the internet, a great number of smaller firms are still in the process of developing their e-commerce websites. This indicates that there is a consistent job market for developers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) forecasts that there will be a 16 percent rise in employment opportunities, and over the last year, Google observed a 140 percent increase in the number of searches for e-commerce website designers.

The manager of finances
The hourly pay, on average, is $67.21
Job growth over the long term: sixteen percent

The fact that this profession has the highest hourly income of all the positions on our list is certainly not surprising given that the major responsibility of a financial manager is to ensure that the cash flow of an organization continues to increase. The vast majority of these managers are employed in the financial sector, holding positions in investment firms, insurance companies, and banks. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in order to be eligible for one of these occupations, you will most likely need to have previous experience working as an accountant or financial analyst in addition to having a bachelor’s degree in an area connected to business or economics.

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